In this post I want to give you a quick look at the refreshed user interface for Rowing in Motion Analytics and give you a short peek behind the scenes on why we did it and what we improved. If you’re curious, please try out the preview of the design refresh here: Analytics Design Preview. Designing for Screen Size Rowing
Just a quick heads up to let you know that the latest issue (005) of the Row360 magazine features an article from Johannes about using Boat Acceleration to improve your rowing. Row360 is a new, truly international rowing magazine, superbly designed and well worth checking out. You can find more details, including a link to a free sample issue at
We’ve done it! Rowing in Motion users have recorded a total of 63,529km rowing sessions to this day, more than would be necessary to row around the globe once. We’ve been running Analytics, our cloud based rowing data analysis tool for about 16 months now and more than 1000 users have recorded and uploaded rowing sessions to their personal logbook.
This post is fairly technical, but we had to write it to inform you about some current issues we face with our Apps due to the iOS 8 upgrade and Apples recent enforcement of required 64bit support for Apps. The current compatibility matrix that we need to support for the RiM Team and RiM Solo App looks
With a new rowing season ahead in the northern hemisphere, we are gearing up for some significant changes in our product lineup. While we are busily working on our upcoming Sensorbox and wireless Sensorgate, we also made some important changes to the Apps and Analytics. Until now we had a single App for Android and iOS that supported
Great demonstration for how the system works in real life, the Coach’s view of the data from our Sensorbox. And you can get an impression of the large range that the built-in WiFi supports.
Testing two Sensorbox prototypes in parallel to verify measurement precision. Data looks pretty good already!
We’ve made quite a bit of progress on our Sensor Hardware! There’s still a few things to do, but see for yourself what we’ve already got.
This video is an introduction to the different phases of the rowing stroke and explains why the typical boat acceleration graph looks the way it does. Additionally, I explain the “secret” behind interpreting boat acceleration graphs and what they tell you about your rowing technique.
[box]This Release is available for download on Google Play immediately and will be available for iOS sometime later this or next week after review by Apple.[/box] As we are undertaking the first practical tests of our upcoming wireless sensor gate and high-precision boat speed sensor box, the amount of data that we need to process and display in