Category: News

Rowing Championsleague 2014 Finals Race Analysis

Rowing in Motion supported the finals of the Rowing Championsleague, a new international 350m sprint event in the 8+ where some of the worlds best European Club and University eights competed in a 1:1 knock out system to determine the fastest crew. The finals saw entries from the Netherelands, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland, Czcech Republic, Denmark,

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2014 World Rowing Championships in Amsterdam

We presented our next generation measurement system with the Boat Speed Sensor and our wireless Sensor Gates at the 2014 World Rowing Championships in Amsterdam. We built a cool rowing simulator for our wireless sensor gate in action. The gate on display was our second generation prototype that already has all the electronics and software fully functional so we could already display the

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Rowing in Motion at the 2014 World Rowing Junior Championships

We presented Rowing in Motion at the 2014 World Rowing Junior Championships in Hamburg and spoke to many coaches, athletes and some federation members but also to many coaches who are already using Rowing in Motion successfully with their teams. We received some great feedback on the prototype for our new wireless sensor gate and signed up two teams for testing

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Beta: Race Analysis with Analytics

We’ve been planning for some time now to add extensive race analysis capabilities to Analytics, but there’s a lot of different options on what data such an Analysis should deliver. One of the big advantages of running a web-based Analytics software is that we can instantly deploy new features for all our users – so what would

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New Videos: An introduction to the App and a Preview for our Sensors

We are experimenting with using videos to explain how to use Rowing in Motion. Let us know if you like it and us suggestions on what topics we should cover. First, we have recorded a video that shows you the basic steps of getting started with the Rowing in Motion App by linking it to an Analytics account

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The Future of Rowing in Motion: A comprehensive measurement system for Coaches and Athletes

Rowing in Motion’s mission is to help athletes and coaches improve their performance by providing them with friction-free measurement tools. In combination with a smartphone or tablet, our current Apps combine the ease of use of  a SpeedCoach with detailed, accurate realtime feedback on boat performance data and a powerful online data analysis that let’s you track your improvements. The simplicity of this is approach is

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Security Notice: OpenSSL Heartbleed Bug

Like many other services on the internet, Rowing in Motion Analytics was affected by the OpenSSL Heartbleed bug, which allowed potential attackers to reveal the contents of small portions of server memory contents. In the case of Rowing in Motion Analytics, this bug affects information going through the nginx-based load balancers of our hosting plattform

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Managing Organisations in Rowing in Motion Analytics

We plan to introduce a range of features to Rowing in Motion Analytics to make it much better to use for Coaches. If not to say, it first got explicitly usable for coaches because right now we only had a single type of Account for Coaches and Athletes. To use all coaching related features of

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Rowing in Motion App 1.2 with Cox Mode Released

Today we released Rowing in Motion 1.2 with support for a highly requested “Cox Mode” that allows you to use Rowing in Motion in the cox seat as well. The update is available on Google Play immediately and will be available on the iOS App Store in a couple of days when it has gone through

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Our new iOS App is now available

As we have outlined recently, we are going to completely replace our iOS Apps with a single new App linked to Analytics. Well, the day has come and our brand new iOS App is now available on iTunes. So what’s changed? Well, for starters the App is free but requires to be linked against an

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