Category: Releases

View your Rowing Courses on Analytics

We have just pushed a new update to Rowing in Motion Analytics that lets you view your exercise information on a map. Right now, we simply plot your course on top of a map but we have plans to add some exciting new features that will allow you to correlate track and other information. This

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Searching and Tagging Sessions in Analytics

With more than 1000 rowing sessions tracked using Analytics already, it’s important you can find the ones you’re looking for. So we have added a tagging feature and a searchbox, that will help you organize your logfiles better. Tagging Sessions We have added a “Tags” widget on the logfiles detail page where you can add

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Share your Rowing Sessions on Facebook

We’re happy to release an exciting new feature today: Using Analytics, you can share data from your workouts and races on facebook with your crewmates, coaches and friends. And you can show all your non-rowing friends what you’re up to while they’re playing FarmVille. Here’s a 3 minutes tutorial how it works. Link your Analytics

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Rowing in Motion 2.3.0 released

Version 2.3.0 of all Rowing in Motion Apps is available on the AppStore now and has the following improvements: Boat App: Upload to Analytics now uses https Added a “go to Analytics” button in the upload section of the App Added a view that allows you to see 2 consecutive strokes, great for working on

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Rowing in Motion for Android – Beta 0.2

We’re making good progress on the Android version of the Boat App even though we have also invested our time to make a massive improvement to our Analytics service. To keep things short, here’s a list of things we fixed/implemented since our last beta release two weeks ago: Sonification: Fixed a system-resource leak Toolbar: Devices

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The new Rowing in Motion Analytics

70% of our Rowing in Motion Analytics Users are using it on their tablet or desktop PC. That didn’t align well with our initial implementation that was based around a smartphone-optimized user interface (that would also work well on tablets). So we changed that: Responsive Layout The new design is focused around a responsive layout

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Rowing in Motion 2.2.0 released

Version 2.2.0 of all Rowing in Motion Apps is available on the AppStore now and has the following improvements: Boat App: Apple is no longer accepting updates for iOS 4 Apps so this update of the Boat App requires iOS 5 or later Added Support for the iPhone 5 display size. We tried fitting more

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Introducing Rowing in Motion Basic

Our mission is to  help rowers achieve better results by giving every rower and coach a tool they can use in daily training to get instant feedback on their performance. To help promote the use of smartphone technology in rowing, we have decided to create a basic edition of the Rowing in Motion Boat App and

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Rowing in Motion for Android – Beta Registration Open

While we are making the final preparations to launch the first version of the Rowing in Motion App for Android, we need all our interested testers to join our Tester team at which we will use to deliver the latest builds to your Android device. The first beta will be made available via

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Rowing in Motion 2.1.2 released

Version 2.1.2 of all Rowing in Motion Apps is available on the AppStore now and has the following improvements: Boat App: Improved the guide and introduction for first time users Fixed a bug where no acceleration data was displayed after completing the introduction Coach App: Added a guide with information how to use the App

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