Personalized Technique Analysis and lowered prices

The rowing season is just about to start (in the northern hemisphere at least), so why not start analyzing your rowing technique with Rowing in Motion and track your improvements?

To make the decision a little easier, we have decided to cut pricing down for our Athlete Pro plan, which is now at 59€ instead of 99€.

Personalized Technique Analysis

The plan now also includes a free review of your acceleration profile with personalized suggestions to improve the effectiveness of your rowing technique. How does this work? You hop into the single or pair and record your rowing session and upload it to Analytics. To make the analysis meaningful at race speeds, you row the following stroke-rate profile:

  1. 20 strokes SF 20
  2. 20 strokes SF 24
  3. 20 Strokes SF 28
  4. 20 Strokes SF 32
  5. 20 Strokes SF 36

Each step in the profile starts with a short 3 second break, followed by 3 strokes to get up to speed. So 3 seconds break, 3 strokes to accelerate to SF 20, 20 strokes SF20, 3 seconds break, 3 strokes to accelerate to SF 24, 20 strokes SF 24 and so on. Your stroke-rate profile should look like this in Analytics:


When you have recorded the rowing session, upload it to Analytics and send a link to the logfile in Analytics to With your permission, Johannes will take a look at your recorded rowing session and give you a few tips and tricks on what you can improve. Of course this does not replace having a coach and a proper data analysis with video, but from our experience most mistakes are very easy to spot in an acceleration profile. And easy to correct as well, if you have the proper feedback. Should you have a chance to capture a video of yourself rowing that’s just the better and you can of course send it in together with your data so we can make your analysis more detailed.


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