Rowing in Motion App 2.1.0

We’ve pushed forward on a lot of things in the 10 weeks since the last release of the Apps. Most notably, we focused our work on the upcoming wireless Sensor Gate and Boat Sensor Box leading up to our demonstration at the World Rowing Championships in Amsterdam and also a small demo at the Junior Worlds.

This Release is available for download on Google Play immediately and will be available for iOS sometime later this or next week after review by Apple.

One of the biggest blocks of work was the integration of the App with the Sensor Box and wireless Sensor Gate, which we completed just in time for Amsterdam. So this release actually has all the bits and pieces in it to work with our prototypes which are already in testing with a small number of local clubs and organisations.

But of course there are also a lot of improvements to the existing App and Analytics.

Improvements to the Apps

  • Support for Bluetooth Heartrate Sensors in iOS and Android App. This was the most-requested feature from our  feedback forum and it’s now finally there. Compatible device and heartrate sensor required.
  • Add a screen for vertical boat acceleration. We consider this a “supporting” analysis that is helpful in a few specific scenarios, e.g. when working on the finish.
  • New layout for graphs with labels and legends
  • New graph layouts
  • Improved performance and battery life on all our tested devices (iOS and Android)
  • Increase robustness of the process for linking a device to Analytics
  • Improved speed of the “Online Logfiles” screen that embeds Analytics inside the App
  • Fix an issue with uploads of logfiles that take longer than 5 minutes
  • Fixed an issue with out-of-sync GPS and Accelerometer data due to undocumented system deep sleep behvaior (mostly iPhone 5S)
  • Breaking Change: Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich) is now the minimum required version of Android


  • Improved speed and robustness of Race Analysis
  • Improved handling of the sign up workflow
  • Fixed some minor user interface issues in the “Compare Analysis” screen

As always…

We are constantly looking for ways to improve Rowing in Motion. If you have an idea or just want to see what other rowers have suggested we should implement, have a look through our feedback forum and vote for the features you like!



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