Race Analysis for Head Races

Fall season is head race season. One particularly interesting aspect of these races is that they are not held on straight regatta courses. Hence, not only boat speed is crucial, but also optimising your steering to go the shortest route possible.

Today we have released an update to Analytics to better support analyzing these types of races.


We have added a new option “Course Type” to the analysis parameters. When you select the “Straight Course” option, Analytics will assume that the race is held on a straight regatta course and calculate boat displacement (distance relative to the start) and boat velocity (displacement/time).

If the straight course option is not selected, Analytics will calculate the actually travelled distance (including all steering) and boat speed based on that.

We hope you find this useful and are always looking for more ways to better help you analyse your races. If you have any feedback or ideas, please get in touch with us in the comments or on our forum!


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