Category: Reviews

“I depend on Rowing in Motion to coach myself and others and monitor my training. I have tried out all the main rowing apps on iOS but, for well over a year, RiM has been the standout. It does all the simple stuff like track your distance, rating, speed and heart rate in real time and does it well. And the extras are amazing: the realtime acceleration graphs (backed up by offline analysis) have helped me focus on the parts of my technique that matter. My technique is now better and I race faster.

I have recently started using your online training log screens, which means I don’t have to log training load manually. I even use RiM when I am on my erg to log that effort too.

There are two more features that are worth gold to me: the automated race analysis with customisable splits is simply awesome - I use it after every race. The feature where you can video a rower and overlay their force curves is equally amazing. I have used this with several scullers in my club and they just cannot get over how informative it is.

Finally I want to acknowledge how responsive you were when a bug crept in, the bug was squashed within a few days. Thanks for all your effort on this amazing virtual coach.”

Stephen Trowell, Coach and Masters Rower, Black Mountain Rowing Club (AUS)

"I used it today and found really interesting , a few good insights already to make a better catch with no need of camera or even a coach..."

Carlos Cordal, Masters Rower from Brasil

"Thanks to all developers of Rowing in Motion tool: I won gold in single sculls in the South American Masters category C, their help was essential for it."

Vicente Dors (BRA)

"The app has been fantastic already and has improved our chances of doing well at the world gig champs on the Isles of Scilly in May"

Justin Halliwell, Coach at Truro Gig Club (UK)

"I have only been using the app a couple of weeks and it has already been a big help. My stroke efficiency has gone from averaging 2.2 to averaging 2.8 and a boat a weight category higher than recommended by the manufacturer has shown to be consistently faster for me."

Mark Liddell (Masters Rower, UK)

I'm using Rowing in Motion since April 2013. I'm excited about the App and have become significantly faster since using it."

Hari Meusburger (Masters Rower, Germany)

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BlueLeza Heartrate Monitor

BlueLeza was kind enough to provide us with their HRM Blue heart rate strap to test it for compatibility with the Rowing in Motion Boat App and we can confirm it works perfectly. We have added it to our list of compatible heart rate sensors. The HRM Blue is a Bluetooth LE (Bluetooth 4.0) enabled

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Rowing in Motion 2.0 Video Review – by Thomas Carter

Thomas Carter has  published an awesome hands-on video-review of Rowing in Motion 2.0 on his blog rowingmusings. You should go and read the full review to check out how he’s mounting his iPhone to the boat and you’ll also find a few additional tips and tricks on using the App there. Have a video or picture

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Rowing in Motion Video Review – by Rower Tobi Schad

If you haven’t seen the Boat App in action yet, you should really check out Rower Tobi Schad‘s awesome video review of Rowing in Motion (in german language). In his review he also shows how to mount an iPhone on a SpeedCoach craddle. His review is based on version 1.4 of the App, the screens have

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Rowing in Motion Review – by Thomas Carter

If you’re a technology-affiliated rowing geek like me, I’m sure you came across Thomas Carter’s blog Thomas has previously written about rowing telemetry systems and other gadgets you can use to improve your stroke, so I was particularly happy when he approached me about reviewing Rowing in Motion. “I can certainly see these combination of apps being really

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