A better evaluation experience for Rowing in Motion

We have implemented a bunch of changes to make it easier for rowers to evaluate Rowing in Motion. We hope that all these changes take a bit of friction out of the process and make your journey a little easier.

Smart App Banner

We have integrated a “smart app banner” on our website that allow visitors on an iOS 6 devices to jump directly into to the AppStore and download the Lite App.

Smart App Banner

Lite App

Ok, this is actually not so new, but hey 🙂 We know Rowing in Motion is a bit more expensive than most other Apps you have probably bought, so we think it’s important you have a chance to really try it before deciding to shell out some bucks for it. The Lite App is free and has all the features of the full version – but it’s limited to showing data for 20 strokes only. We hope this is a fair compromise to let you see whether it works for you and if you like it.

First time Introduction

When you launch the App for the first time, you’ll be greeted by a short click-through introduction that walks you through the most important features of the app and how to use it in the boat. That bit is quite important, as most of the issues we hear about are related to not mounting the iPhone correctly in the boat. If you haven’t done so already, pleeeeease read the instructions here.  The introduction also has links to the relevant sections of our website where you can find more detailed descriptions of certain topics.

Rowing in Motion in-app guideUser guide

Since version 2.1, the Apps also integrate a user guide that you can access from the “info” button in the top left corner. The user guide works similar to the introduction and covers the features of the App in more detail. The user guide also has links to relevant parts of our website.

Can we make it even easier?

If you have an idea how we can improve the process for fellow rowers that want to give Rowing in Motion a try, just shoot me an email to johannes@rowinginmotion.com and we’ll make sure to do the best we can.

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